Sovereignty for Quantum Solutions in the Cloud To realize the potential of quantum computing, it is crucial to enable German businesses to use quantum resources in a legally secure and sovereign manner. The SeQuenC project achieves this by building a standards-based technology stack for a German quantum cloud with expandable connections to quantum computers. In… Read more »
Ermöglichung hybrider Quantum-Anwendungen Industriell relevante Anwendungen des Quantencomputings sind fast immer hybride Anwendungen, die klassische Software und Implementierungen von Quantenschaltkreisen kombinieren. Allerdings ist die Erstellung solcher Anwendungen gegenwärtig weitgehend ad-hoc. Im Projekt EniQmA soll ein gezieltes ingenieurwissenschaftliches Vorgehen bei der Erstellung solcher hybriden quanten-klassischen Anwendungen anhand konkreter industrieller Use Cases entwickelt werden. Ein solches Quantum… Read more »
Quantum-enabling services and tools for industrial applications Quantum computing can lead to disruptive changes in many areas of industry, for example by solving complex optimization problems in logistics or semiconductor manufacturing more efficiently. However, in order for industry and society to fully benefit from future quantum computers, a low-threshold access is needed, which in particular… Read more »
Quantum Readiness for Optimization Providers In the ProvideQ project, leading logistics service providers worldwide are collaborating with experts in software and algorithm engineering, optimization theory and quantum information. Together, they are developing new concepts and methods for bridging the gap between industrial applications and requirements on one hand and the practical use of innovative quantum… Read more »
QC-Enhanced Service Ecosystem for Simulation in Manufacturing The QUASIM project is investigating how quantum computing (QC) can be used to develop medium- and long-term benefits for manufacturing applications. This should also enable manufacturing companies to benefit from quantum computers, which themselves have only limited expertise in simulations in manufacturing.
Developer Suite for Automated Machine Learning with Quantum Computers Quantum computers enable acceleration of machine learning (ML) approaches and development of new solutions. However, implementation of such quantum algorithms is highly application-specific and therefore requires development by interdisciplinary quantum software engineers. The AutoQML project aims to simplify these processes, with the goal of expanding approaches… Read more »
Standardized Quantum Software Stack There is still a large gap between accessible and user-friendly programming, as known from classical computer science, and quantum programming, which is often still experimental. To close this gap, a higher-level quantum programming language that goes beyond the currently established assembler-like languages and automates many of the small-step elements is being… Read more »
Standardization of Post-Quantum Cryptography for the Financial Industry Cryptographic methods currently in use to secure IT systems are hardly or only with difficulty attackable with currently available, conventional computer technology. This is no longer the case for quantum computers. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to begin the migration from classical cryptographic methods to new methods… Read more »
Platform and Ecosystem for Quantum Assisted Artificial Intelligence The PlanQK project aims to combine AI and quantum computing by preparing AI applications for execution on quantum computers. A platform for quantum-assisted artificial intelligence – abbreviated as QKI – is being developed for this purpose. Customers of the PlanQK platform, such as companies or municipalities, can… Read more »
Strategic Individual Projects
Individual projects are designed to drive forward new and outstanding technologies and solutions that are expected to have a long-term and strategic impact in the ICT sector. These diverse projects have a future-oriented focus and are of particular importance for Germany as a business location.
Quantum-Computing: Applications for Business
With the funding program “Quantum Computing – Applications for Business”, the BMWK supports research, development and innovation projects that prove and demonstrate the technical feasibility, viability and usefulness of quantum computing using relevant, practical use cases as examples.