The GreenTech Innovation Competition (“GreenTech Innovationswettbewerb”) technology program aims to utilize digital technologies to promote sustainability and climate and environmental protection. It aims to strengthen Germany and Europe as leading high-tech locations for digital technologies and sustainable business models. The program focuses on three areas: the use of digital technologies to enhance sustainability in various… Read more »
GreenTech Innovation Competition
Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2023
The AI Index Report is an annual publication created by the interdisciplinary AI Index Steering Committee and published by Stanford University. The Report’s sixth edition presents an extensive collection of original data covering a wide range of topics related to AI, including public opinion, technical performance, global legislation trends, and environmental impact. Its goal is… Read more »
Open Federated Learning as a Service The openFLaaS project is developing an AI framework for the automated, decentralized analysis of industrial documents such as tenders, contracts, or product data sheets in order to efficiently and securely digitize knowledge within companies.
Automated remote inspection of critical infrastructure using intelligent camera systems ARIKI is developing a remote monitoring system that automates the routine inspection of critical water infrastructure such as wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, or water treatment facilities using intelligent camera systems and on-site AI-powered analysis.
Programm 5G-Campusnetzwerke (DE-FRA): Safe TSN for Industrial-Grade Real-Time Campus 5G. Im Rahmen des Projekts „stic5G“ wird ein industrielles 5G-Ökosystem entwickelt, dass wichtige Beiträge zur Entwicklung der 5G-Kommunikation im industriellen Umfeld leistet. Die von stic5G erbrachten Leistungen werden wesentliche Meilensteine auf dem Weg zu Echtzeit- und sicherheitsrelevanten industriellen 5G- und Industrie 4.0-Anwendungsfällen darstellen und es werden… Read more »
Energy-efficient analysis and control processes in the dynamic edge cloud continuum for industrial manufacturing Easy is developing an edge/cloud system for industrial manufacturing, in which AI-based analysis and control processes can be distributed and executed on-site, thereby significantly increasing the productivity and resource efficiency of the entire manufacturing process.
Freshness Management from Farm2Fork in the Edge FRED reduces the loss of fresh food along the supply chain from producer to consumer by combining innovative measurement technology, digital twins for vegetable and fruit products, and a data space for freshness data in a trusted cloud-edge infrastructure. FRED follows the values and principles of Gaia-X to… Read more »
DEER – Decentralized Redispatch The aim of the DEER project is to integrate smaller, often widely distributed consumption and generation facilities, as well as battery storage, into the power system using decentralized agents in order to be able to control and bill these facilities flexibly and efficiently.
Sustainable Heating through Edge-Cloud-based AI Systems The SECAI project implements an edge/cloud system for AI-controlled heating in private homes, which reduces energy consumption and can also be installed through retro-fitting in existing buildings.
Sovereignty for Quantum Solutions in the Cloud To realize the potential of quantum computing, it is crucial to enable German businesses to use quantum resources in a legally secure and sovereign manner. The SeQuenC project achieves this by building a standards-based technology stack for a German quantum cloud with expandable connections to quantum computers. In… Read more »
Ermöglichung hybrider Quantum-Anwendungen Industriell relevante Anwendungen des Quantencomputings sind fast immer hybride Anwendungen, die klassische Software und Implementierungen von Quantenschaltkreisen kombinieren. Allerdings ist die Erstellung solcher Anwendungen gegenwärtig weitgehend ad-hoc. Im Projekt EniQmA soll ein gezieltes ingenieurwissenschaftliches Vorgehen bei der Erstellung solcher hybriden quanten-klassischen Anwendungen anhand konkreter industrieller Use Cases entwickelt werden. Ein solches Quantum… Read more »
VCIO based description of systems for AI trustworthiness characterisation
VDE SPEC 90012 V1.0 (en) This VDE SPEC provides a way to describe certain socio–technical characteristics of systems and applications that incorporate artificial intelligence techniques and methods. The scope of application refers to products for which a particularly demanding level of trust is desired or required. By applying the VCIO model explained in this standard,… Read more »
Study „Startups and Artificial Intelligence – Innovationn meets Responsibility“
AI startups are pioneers in the fields of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things, making them a driving economic force in collaboration with established industries. The study “Startups and Artificial Intelligence – Innovation meets Responsibility” focuses on the relationship between startups and artificial intelligence (AI). It examines the innovative approaches of AI startups, taking into… Read more »
Scalable adaptive production systems through AI-based resilience optimization. Avoiding production downtime with AI. SPAICER uses AI technologies and Industry 4.0 standards to reduce production disruptions and supply chain interruptions to a minimum or avoid them altogether. For this so-called resilience management, industry-specific Smart Resilience Services (SRS) are developed, which can be individually adapted by companies… Read more »
BML Ecosys
Bauhaus.MobilityLab Erfurt Intelligent AI Quarter. In the Bauhaus.MobilityLab, the Brühl district of Erfurt serves as a real-life laboratory for the development and testing of a variety of AI-based applications: Traffic lights are switched according to traffic volume, deliveries are made more customer-oriented, local energy generation reduces electricity costs, and intelligent tariff systems determine the charging… Read more »
KI-Inkubator-Labore in der Prozessindustrie KI für die Prozessindustrie. Die Prozessindustrie bereitet Rohstoffe zur industriellen Weiterverarbeitung auf. Zu der Branche zählen etwa Chemie- und Pharmazie-, aber auch Lebensmittelunternehmen. Im Projekt KEEN werden KI-Anwendungen für die chemische und biotechnologische Industrie entwickelt. Damit können Produktionsprozesse optimiert, der Ressourcenverbrauch gesenkt sowie neue Produkte schneller entwickelt und auf den Markt… Read more »
Made in Germany Voice Assistance Platform They are called Alexa, Siri, Bixby or Cortana: voice assistants regulate many things in everyday life automatically on demand. But they are not up to the task of being used in a noisy open-plan office or even in production. The SPEAKER project is developing a voice assistance platform based… Read more »
The research project REIF – Resource-efficient, Economic and Intelligent Foodchain – aims to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for optimizing planning and control of value creation in the food industry. The goal of this research project is to build an AI ecosystem that integrates stakeholders from all value creation stages in such a… Read more »
AI-based service ecosystem for technical service in the age of Industry 4.0 Due to the increasing shortage of skilled workers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face the challenge of maintaining their lead in providing technical services. Service-Meister aims to establish an AI-based platform that enables less specialized employees, with the help of digital guides, to… Read more »
Medical Data Ecosystem – Medizinischen Fortschritt mit KI vorantreiben AIQNET bietet die technologische Infrastruktur und ermöglicht darüber den Zugriff auf Daten in bestehenden und künftigen Standards im Gesundheitswesen. Über ein stetig wachsendes Angebot an hochspezialisierten Anwendungen können Daten zur Optimierung von Diagnose und Therapie, aber auch zur Automatisierung administrativer Prozesse genutzt werden.
Im KI-Projekt ForeSight entsteht eine Plattform für intelligente und vorausschauende Smart-Living-Services, die auf GAIA-X Konformität ausgerichtet sind. Die Plattform bringt die Wohnungswirtschaft, Technologieanbieter für Gebäude, Verbände und Wissenschaft zusammen, um erstmals gemeinsam KI-Methoden für das Wohnumfeld zu erproben. Die Plattform besteht aus drei Elementen: dem ForeSight Dataspace, der ForeSight Toolbox und der ForeSight Community. Diese sind… Read more »
Next Level Ecosphere for Intelligent Industrial Production IIP-Ecosphere aims to promote the adoption and development of AI applications in medium-sized production companies. To achieve this goal, IIP-Ecosphere plans to enhance the networking between companies, service providers, associations, and research institutions. The proposed ecosystem will provide a catalog of AI solutions and a virtual platform to… Read more »
Digitale Partnervermittlung für KI in der Produktentstehung Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist ein wichtiger Schlüssel für eine innovative und effiziente Produktentstehung. Mit dem KI-Marktplatz entsteht bundesweit ein einzigartiges Ökosystem, mit dem Unternehmen die Potenziale in diesem Bereich erschließen können. Dreh- und Angelpunkt bildet die gleichnamige Plattform KI-Marktplatz, auf der Anbieter, Anwender und Experten Lösungen für KI… Read more »
AI Innovation Competition
Innovation in the field of artificial intelligence is to be placed on a broader basis in Germany, and unconventional, disruptive ideas are also to be given opportunities in the future. AI methods are to become even stronger drivers for innovative value networks and the creation of new products and business models in the various sectors… Read more »