

Automated remote inspection of critical infrastructure using intelligent camera systems ARIKI is developing a remote monitoring system that automates the routine inspection of critical water infrastructure such as wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, or water treatment facilities using intelligent camera systems and on-site AI-powered analysis.



5G Campus Networks Program (GER-FRA): 5G for Resilient and Sustainable Operation of FRMCS Railway Communication Systems. The German-French innovation project 5G-RACOM investigates solutions for the efficient, reliable, and sustainable use of the future railway communication system FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) and its associated frequency spectrum. FRMCS is considered the successor to GSM-R and… Read more »



Programm 5G-Campusnetzwerke (DE-FRA): Safe TSN for Industrial-Grade Real-Time Campus 5G. Im Rahmen des Projekts „stic5G“ wird ein industrielles 5G-Ökosystem entwickelt, dass wichtige Beiträge zur Entwicklung der 5G-Kommunikation im industriellen Umfeld leistet. Die von stic5G erbrachten Leistungen werden wesentliche Meilensteine auf dem Weg zu Echtzeit- und sicherheitsrelevanten industriellen 5G- und Industrie 4.0-Anwendungsfällen darstellen und es werden… Read more »



Program 5G Campus Networks (GER-FRA): 5G Industrial Lab Bischheim The digital transformation of the industry can rely on digital twins to improve production costs through optimized monitoring and quality control processes. The technical centers in the railway industry are representative of this. As they are responsible for both standard maintenance (preparation of trains between two… Read more »



Reduction of the Impact of untreated WasteWater on the Environment in case of torrential Rain RIWWER is implementing a cloud/edge-based measurement and control system for municipal wastewater treatment plants, which uses AI-assisted distribution of water volumes into the sewer system and rainwater basins during heavy rain, to avoid pollution of the environment from contaminants.



Edge-Services for Components – Balanced edge-cloud environments for sovereign component service systems in production applications ESCOM is developing an edge cloud platform for the manufacturing industry that provides machine users with access to digital services related to important machine components, such as motor spindles or gearboxes, as well as the often highly specific know-how of… Read more »



CAREFUL-EDGE-X implements an intelligent system network for care facilities consisting of decentralized data collection and AI-based processing of patient vital signs, including the use of nursing robots. This allows for the privacy-compliant relief of nursing staff from routine tasks. The project utilizes cascaded edge computing applications with Gaia-X integration.



Edge Data Ecinomy in the Sustainable Automated Manufacturing Industry The project EDNA is developing models and software for the ecological and economic sustainability of industrial manufacturing, using digital twins, artificial intelligence, and edge computing, with the example of the production of truck trailers.



Development of Modern Communication Technologies for Industry 4.0 The goal of the EmKoI4.0 project is to provide methods and tools that support the investigation and development of converged communication solutions throughout the entire lifecycle of industrial plants and products. 5G-Advanced technologies can form the basis for fast, secure, and robust communication and will be considered… Read more »



Sovereignty for Quantum Solutions in the Cloud To realize the potential of quantum computing, it is crucial to enable German businesses to use quantum resources in a legally secure and sovereign manner. The SeQuenC project achieves this by building a standards-based technology stack for a German quantum cloud with expandable connections to quantum computers. In… Read more »



Ermöglichung hybrider Quantum-Anwendungen Industriell relevante Anwendungen des Quantencomputings sind fast immer hybride Anwendungen, die klassische Software und Implementierungen von Quantenschaltkreisen kombinieren. Allerdings ist die Erstellung solcher Anwendungen gegenwärtig weitgehend ad-hoc. Im Projekt EniQmA soll ein gezieltes ingenieurwissenschaftliches Vorgehen bei der Erstellung solcher hybriden quanten-klassischen Anwendungen anhand konkreter industrieller Use Cases entwickelt werden. Ein solches Quantum… Read more »



AI-supported Rapid Supply Network The KISS project is developing a market and networking platform that enables the rapid identification and ordering of production goods (e.g. protective masks) through AI (including via chatbot). Especially in crisis scenarios, hospitals and aid organizations can specify their requirements precisely via the platform. AI-supported analysis and simulations then determine the… Read more »



Multinational Cooperation (GER – SG): ArTificial inTelligENce for the deTectIon of trade-based mOney lauNdering! The project ATTENTION! will systematically capture, model, and analyze diverse global data sources such as trade data for imports and exports, company data, and web data. Based on global trade activities and their contextual information, artificial intelligence (AI) models will be… Read more »



Quantum-Classical Hybrid Optimization Algorithms for Logistics and Production Line Management The project QCHALLenge solves optimization problems in production and logistics using existing Quantum Computing (QC) hardware. For this purpose, algorithms, concepts and tools are developed that enable the industry to use QC in a cross-industry and low-threshold manner. QCHALLenge focuses on the domains of production… Read more »



6G for Connected Sky The multi-layer architecture of future 6G networks requires a collaborative effort from the telecommunications, aviation, and aerospace industries. The project innovations focus on key elements to demonstrate technologies that underpin this architecture and address technical challenges at an early stage. Building on 5G Release 17, which for the first time supports… Read more »



Dynamic adaptation of campus networks and applications in industrial application scenarios CampusDynA aims at the realization of applications in the fields of autonomous mobile robotics, resource efficiency of production facilities and civil security of production sites with the help of open 5G campus networks and thus contributes to the evaluation of the concrete added value… Read more »



Open and flexible industrial networking with 5G small cell: adaptive production and intra-logistics in SMEs In contrast to already discussed 5G applications in production, 5G++ FlexiCell focuses on the establishment of flexible 5G small cells for production in SMEs with the possibility of federation. The 5G campus network in nomadic island operation will be operated… Read more »



Clinical Networks via 5G KliNet5G will evaluate the feasibility of a 5G-based network infrastructure based on OpenRAN in clinics with medical technology, biosensor and clinic logistics applications. Using the building set from the lead projects, a clinical 5G test field will be established using a two-stage strategy. The applications are selected to reflect a broad… Read more »



Middleware for automated use of edge resources in campus networks The MAVERIC project uses a new, open approach and develops technologies for the flexible deployment of infrastructure in 5G campus networks. Depending on the industrial application, computing capacity, storage capacity, and other aspects can be optimized. The project results will be tested in the challenging… Read more »



Time Sensitive Communication in Campusnetworks for Teleoperated Control TICCTEC aims to integrate Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) into 5G campus networks in combination with Device-to-Device communication, based on 5G O-RAN and an open source core. Combining these technologies in the CampusOS modular technology building block and open source code or open interfaces will increase security, reliability, and… Read more »



Open 5G campus networks for emergency response supported by Internet of Things (IoT) technologies The O5G-N-IoT project focuses on open architectures for the Internet of Things for industrial research and pre-competitive development. On the one hand, the focus is on the development and integration of 5G components, e.g., cameras and sensors such as gas detection… Read more »



Cooperation with France (GER-FR): Boosting renovation industry with AI To mitigate the effects of climate change, buildings are being extensively renovated, mainly to reduce energy consumption through improved insulation and new heating concepts. So far, the planning of such renovation projects has mainly relied on human estimation and experience, as well as unstructured data. The… Read more »



AIOLOS – Artificial Intelligence Tools for Outbreak Detection and Response The German-French cooperation project AIOLOS aims to develop a web-based multidimensional data platform that enables the early detection of new outbreaks of respiratory infections (ALERT), tracks their spread and consequences (MONITOR), and simulates the impact and effectiveness of various interventions and measures to support decision-making… Read more »



Quantum Readiness for Optimization Providers In the ProvideQ project, leading logistics service providers worldwide are collaborating with experts in software and algorithm engineering, optimization theory and quantum information. Together, they are developing new concepts and methods for bridging the gap between industrial applications and requirements on one hand and the practical use of innovative quantum… Read more »