AI Innovation Competition

Innovation in the field of artificial intelligence is to be placed on a broader basis in Germany, and unconventional, disruptive ideas are also to be given opportunities in the future. AI methods are to become even stronger drivers for innovative value networks and the creation of new products and business models in the various sectors of the economy. The aim is to drive forward the application of artificial intelligence in all economically relevant sectors of the economy, focusing in particular on the needs and opportunities of Germany’s numerous small and medium-sized enterprises.

The winners of the first funding call from the fields of health care, manufacturing, construction, retail, smart living and quantum computing entered the implementation phase in the first half of 2020. In early 2021, the second funding call in the AI Innovation Competition started with projects in the areas of Construction/BIM, Financial Services/Data Sovereignty, and Environment/Agriculture to contribute to the further implementation of GAIA-X. From mid-2021, five more AI projects focused on crisis management and prevention started in the third funding call.

Program Website